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Pounce Cat

by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA


Berfert is in trauma. Last fall we shrunk a human, which traumatized him for weeks, now we've gone several steps up the evolutionary scale and shrunk a cat. Worse we brought the evidence home. He keeps hiding behind furniture and around corners watching PC to see if he does anything unusual. PC pounced on his head, sending him hiding under the kitchen table. PC 1, house cats 0.

Merlin thought he'd get rid of PC by hissing at him. PC ran off. House cats 1, PC 1. However, PC watched Merlin in inaction for a while then rushed in as fast as he could, pounced sideways on top of Merlin's rather broad back, then danced around on him for a while. PC 2, house cats 1. Merlin is now punishing me by taking all the phones off the hook, especially while I'm on the internet. We'll have to discuss style points later.

QC tried to get onto her nesty in the bedroom window. PC was already there. PC 3, house cats 1. PC pounced on her and tried to ride on her head. QC is now trying to live under Amanda's bed. PC 4, house cats 1. PC is still looking for QC. Apparently the ride was fun.

Tanada has needed frequent assurance that we still love her and aren't replacing her with a new model. I tripped over her yesterday. PC 5, house cats 1. PC hid behind a pillow on the sofa and pounced on her in a classic "death from above." PC 6, house cats 1. Tanada now checks before coming down from on top of the cable box. She looks carefully for Pesky Cat then leaps to the bed. She looks for him again, then leaps down and inspects under the bed. PC has caught her from under the bed before. She then inspects under the computer desks and in the bathroom before carefully checking out into the hall and other bathroom. Trips through the house now take as much as five times as long as before. To make matters uglier. Merlin is back to chasing her. Tanada now needs a therapist.

PC discovered that I move my feet at night. I currently have a band aide on my right foot. PC 4, Pam 0. He has also discovered that pills and other medication are fun to play with. My medications are now all hidden from the cat. I hope I can find them when it's time to refill my dispensers. PC 5, Pam 0.

It's been over eight years since we had a kitten in our house, and Berfert had a certain dignity as well as purpose when he was coming up with Berfert games to entertain us. PC just seems to barrel through life flat out. I'm tired. PC 6, Pam 0.


Editor's note:

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