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PC and Penelope

by Pam Shirk, North Carolina, USA


PC's current project is to drive Penelope up a wall. She has no sense of humor and PC has nothing but, so it's like gas and water with a lit match tossed in for entertainment purposes. She is having a hard time adjusting to sharing us with five other cats and wants everything NOW and the cat using it had better give it over right NOW. She's also smaller than any of the other cats, except PC, and thinks that she can take them ALL on, either one at a time or en mass. PC thinks swatting her on the bottom is the height of funny and she really resents him. The other cats are not stopping him and sometimes seem to be egging him on. Penelope may find herself taking up residence on my headboard (no book case, decorated wood panel) as that's about the only place PC hasn't been able to attack her at.

If she survives PC, she may develop a sense of humor, though I doubt it. I figure that humor is a survival trait around this house, so she has to develop one or find herself swamped with whoopee cushions.


Editor's note:

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