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What Have We Done?

by Roger Hooker


My wife and I are the slaves to one Kiddington J. Catt (more commonly known as Kiddy) and we (well... err... I did and my wife says I spoil Kiddy too much... and... yeah, I guess I'm guilty!) started something that has become Kiddy's favorite activity (next to being a lap fungus, of course). One night several weeks ago, before we went to bed, my wife was checking things, making sure everything was off, etc. She noticed Kiddy's dry food was running low so she picked up his bowl, placed it on the counter, and began to refill it.

Kiddy is very observant -- especially in regards to his feed trough -- so he watched the proceedings with intense interest. During the refilling, a nugget of the food hit the floor and bounced around a little. Quick as lightning, Kiddy was on it.... whap, bap... chase... whap again.... chase again... until the unruly piece's motion had stopped and Kiddy had conquered it (meaning he ate it!). I saw this, thought it was kinda cool, walked over to the bowl still on the counter, and dropped another piece. Same results! So I thought of a different strategy. I took a couple pieces of the dry food, squatted on the floor and flicked them, one at a time. The chase was on!! Kiddy ran across the floor, batted it a couple of times, and then ate it. 'Cool,' thinks I and I continue to do this. 'Flick, chase, bat, chase, eat.' After about 25 pieces, Kiddy is full and the night is complete. I filed away the experience and thought it would be nice to repeat it every so often since Kiddy seemed to enjoy it.

The next night, as I was coming out of the bathroom, Kiddy greeted me with a long, mournful meow--the kind that meant he wanted something. I figured his bowl was empty again and checked it... nope... still full. I looked around and Kiddy was at the opposite end of the room with a rather plaintive look on his face. He meowed again... and I scratched my head... ohhh! Silly me! Kiddy's in the same position where he started chasing the food. So I scooped up a couple pieces, flick it across the floor..and the chase was on again! After about 25 flicks, he's done and I retired to the bedroom.

Now everytime I exit the bathroom before going to bed, Kiddy greets me, leads me into the kitchen, and waits at his spot for the first chase! I've tried to beg off a couple of times but Kiddy, like most cats, can be a persistent little bugger. 'Meow'... tap... tap... 'Meow.' And lately, he's been hounding (a pun) me to start earlier! Thus far, I've been able to resist but... when it comes to cats, isn't resistance futile?

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